
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gaining Ground

Appropriately, the first morning of October was spent stockpiling food. This has been the trend throughout the growing season, (we have had the best "putting up" year yet), though not everything we need can be raised on our acre. One of my favorite vendors from farmer's market recently harvested two of their Devons. So my friend Heidi and I arranged a drive out to Gaining Ground Farm to pick up 100 pounds.
It was a gorgeous morning, brisk and dewy with classic Carolina blue skies stretching in every direction. After being greeted by the chickens, we found that only so many of us could gather around the freezers, so as Aaron and Heidi sorted through the meat, I walked down to the fields where Anne was gathering crops for market.
Cover crops were already in full swing in the fallow fields. The perimeter of heady goldenrod, cornflower and purple aster framed in rows of healthy daikon, bush beans, carrots and flowers, slowly drying their dewdrops in the warming morning sun.

Thanks to Anne and Aaron and their admirable hard work, my freezer is filled to the very brim with the highest quality, pastured beef. It's like being a kid again on Christmas morning, rejoicing in a new exciting stash.
It is a blessed feeling to have so much pure food standing by for months ahead.
Burgers were enjoyed last night with a toast to gaining ground.

Images from the Farm

Assorted peppers


Garlic braids

One of the freezers of beef

Anne harvesting


Produce boxes

Disc plough

My very grateful dog


  1. Rachel-

    I just thought you should know that everything I've seen and read here on your page is so beautifully presented and demonstrates very well, the love and devotion that you have towards your passions for food and cooking.

    The few short months I spent in your company at Sterling, we shared many conversations in slippers over hot cups of tea. I learned of your interests, beliefs and goals. I saw in classes and in the field, the bridled passion you had for your studies; and here can be found the product of that passion paired with hard work.

    You're a beautiful person inside and out, and it shows in your craftsmanship. The things that are seen here are everything to be proud of. My being the first to comment to tell you that means you haven't been told enough.

    Great job and keep up the hard work, girl!

    Good Bless,
    Kristi Harper-Furtado

  2. Hey Rach. I had an interesting conversation with my buddy Mecho yesterday about refrigeration. We were discussing the history of harvesting and storing ice and possible modern day applications. Perhaps this topic could be good blog post or article material- refrigerated storage on the modern homestead...
    As Krist Harper-Furtado once said, you're doing a "great job and keep up the hard work, girl!"

  3. Hello Girl!..These are my very favorite vendors at the market...Can't cook without the garlic/pepper and everything else they bring to life.Fabulous work on your part to put them in your spotlight ..Love them..I am going to Egypt on 10/10/10..A Mother/son ( David) experience..Will get some photos of Street foods..Farms..and yummy middle eastern dishes for you..Thank you!
