
Saturday, January 15, 2011

One Year of Blogging

This month commemorates one full year of food blogging for this girl in an apron. To be honest, the fact that I ever even took the plunge is still a surprise. I always found the word itself to be off putting. Blog: it sounds like a congestive aliment or some sort of British slang to describe a less than fortunate individual or situation. "I think I'm coming down with a blog," or "that unlucky blog has no street sense." Even though I still sort-of dislike the term, it is what it is, and blogging has proved a highly creative outlet for me and many many others.
I am constantly impressed by the talent put forth by fellow blogger's sites. It makes me recognize all the skill and passion behind what may have once seemed an ordinary public. I once thought that blogging was nothing more than a narcissistic way of publishing one's personal life's diary, (not that this doesn't exist), but what I have come to appreciate is the diversity blogging represents. The personal diary sites still serve their purpose, still have vast readerships,
and I suppose many cannot possibly figure out how someone like myself would limit a entire blog's subject matter to food. Is there possibly enough material out there to talk about food and recipes for years on end? Well, yes. Decades.
So while some are processing their feelings and therapy sessions, discussing the world of edibles is my own version of the same thing perhaps. Food happens to be serious therapy for some. Chopping, slicing, sauteing, the smell of onions and garlic hitting a hot buttery pan, harvesting, braising, plating, serving, eating, watching loved ones eating; this is the stuff dreams are made of. This is what keeps some of us well rounded, sane individuals.
Eating happens to be a political, environmental, social, and communal act as well. I have not been able to ignore these topics here on this blog, and I realize it is at times a little risque. But I thank you for sticking with me. I am honored to have this outlet, to have such passionate readers and fellow cooks showing their interest and support.
One thing I can say for sure, the world of edibles and its impact on human life will keep
my full interest until the day I leave this planet!

Click here to view my very first post: What Remains. . .

The fish carcass in this picture prompted me to begin blogging. After dinner, I snapped a picture and decided to check out the blogging scene. I created a page, posted the pic with a corresponding recipe, and it officially all began.
My understanding of what is appealing when photographing food has changed tremendously since those earlier posts. I have learned a lot, been humbled often, and am still having plenty of fun with it all.

Thank you so sincerely for reading!


  1. Rachel, it has been a delight sharing your journey. Thanks for offering nourishment for my mind and spirit, as well as my body, this past year. I look forward to another year of discoveries and inspiration. Bon appetit!

  2. I'm very glad to have found you. :)

  3. CONGRATULATIONS.It has been a delight to follow your blog and to try out the recipes. Keep it going Rachel; you are doing a GREAT job. Maybe in the next year more videos; that was a killer that one about bread.

  4. congratulations! keep going; follow your inspirations and create....

  5. Well, I continue to marvel at your beautiful photographs and interesting reading material/recipes. You're an inspiration, I think you're on to something...
