
Saturday, April 28, 2012

If Everyone Was Fed This Way?

Springtime in the Western North Carolina mountains delivers not only trillium blooms and a symphony of birdsong, it is home to a special patchwork of farmland. In tandem with the back-breaking efforts of its keepers, the WNC soil breeds some of the finest food I've ever known, early in the season.
Unpacking my bags from market this morning, a bouquet materialized. Fresh chicken, livers, and ground lamb from East Fork Farm. Grass-fed steak, sausage, and charcuterie from Hickory Nut Gap Farm. Bok choy and zucchini grown on Mountain Harvest Organic Farm, and free range eggs, kale, and strawberries from Gaining Ground Farm.
When I prepare these ingredients, I can't help but wonder- if everyone was fed with this type of food, would the prisons be less crowded? What would happen if we all spent a little more of our precious income on the food we eat verses the amount of cable channels we receive? After eating this food, would it be easier to get through the day without Starbucks and Ronald McDonald riding on our backs? Could we send our children to school without Ritalin? Sleep without drugs? Wake up without drugs? Make love without drugs? See our doctors less? Feel contentment more often?
What would happen if we all ate from the soil upon which we dwell? Bought ingredients for tonight's supper from our neighbor verses Big Oil? Would the birds flying overhead view a different scape below? Hear a different chorus rising from our homes?


  1. We're definitely healthier and happier eating foods grown on all the wonderful farms surrounding Asheville. Not only do we reap the benefits of fresher and riper foods, we get to create relationships with the amazing people that feed us.

    One of these days, we should meet up at the market since we go to the same one! :)

  2. Yes!

    Love this post. It's a topic we often speak of in our home.

  3. Nice one. You really went for it. The pictured spread is absolutely gorgeous- it doesn't help that I am ravenously hungry right now with a mostly empty new fridg. The nice thing about not having had a fridge lately is that I have ventured out into the woods to gather wild food more often. Wood nettles have been a mineral rich staple for me this spring. Lovin it.

    While we are on the topic of wishing that our popular culture valued and had access to healthy fresh food more- if you are a reader and you are passionate about this topic, I strongly encourage you to support your local school garden programs in whatever way you can- volunteer, donate money, encourage the school board to support them, help write grants ot raise funds, be a guess visitor, whatever you fancy. Introducing children to the process of growing and eating healthy food establishes a connection that a lot of them are not getting anywhere else.

  4. At one point in time in the mountains of NC, and not all that long ago because I was alive, most of us did eat that way. Sometimes I find it interesting that there is such an interest in gardens and farms because it sure was a tough living for my grandparents. But we ate well and i am truly glad to see people doing so again. I do wish good fresh food was available to everyone, too. Especially in schools. Thanks, Girl in An Apron! Amen, sister,

  5. Yes, whay if?? That is every day the question that I ask when I see the children eat at school; 'What if.......?". I have said to Laura the last few weeks:"Back to nature and all natural, that will be in the future the way forward."
    Love your blog.

  6. wow..lovely post..
    new to your space..
    excellent space you have
    happy following you..;)
    do stop by mine sometime
    Tasty Appetite
