
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Eduard's Perfect Sourdough

Blessed with a variety of friends, I'm currently giving thanks for a particular few. After a quaint dinner gathering, the above mentioned left their generous mark on our house. Laura and Eduard arrived bearing a healthy serving of sourdough starter (bubbling and frothing in its jar), accompanied by a sack of locally grown and locally milled flour. Dana brought homegrown celery and zinnias, arranged in a bouquet, along with a jar of her homemade honeysuckle mead (if bees were mixologists, this would be their signature).
Each gift now has a devout follower, solidified by the fragrant celery gracing this evening's braised beef, sips of mead warming us in the cool Autumn evenings, and by today's first sourdough loaves.
Unlike celery and mead, the sourdough took some coaching from Eduard- sourdough extraordinaire. 
Here is his signature recipe, with which I had great success the first go-round:

Eduard's Perfect Sourdough:
Day one(evening): 2cups of flour
                          1/3cup of starter
                           1 1/4 cup of water (can be more)
                          1/4 cup of rye flour (up to you, I do not use it when I don't have it)
 Mix and cover with cling film. Let it sit overnight on the countertop.
Day two: 1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour*
              4 cuips of bread flour*
              1/4 cup of rye flour*
              2 1/2 cups warm water*
              1 table spoon of salt
              2 cups of day one mix
              Optional: 1/2 cup sunflower seeds/ 1/2 cup of raisins/ walnuts/ almonds

*Mix  and let stand for 20 minutes

Add other ingredients and make in to a smooth dough.
Let it sit on the countertop.
Fold in 4 after 1 hour.
again fold after 1 hour, 
again fold after 1 hour.
Put in bread tins and let rise until just above rim
Bake at 450 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes.

* I added a shallow pan of water on bottom rack of  preheated oven to encourage flaky crust.
Serve warm with salted butter.


  1. How did you manage to work out such perfection the first go-around? Oh wait, I think I know- the special touch of... The Girl in the Apron! That looks absolutely delicious. I am salivating as I write. I know, it's pitiful.
    So, I'm going whole hog on the spicebush berries. Been frying apples with them (finely minced) and it rocks. Later today I am going to incorporate some into a carrot cake I am making my mom for her birthday, alongside some freshly grated Aardvark Farm ginger.
    Also, I put some spicebush berries in the food processor, ground them, and spread them on a cookie sheet to flash freeze and then seperate and freeze for a handy local spicy seasoning throughout the winter. I love them, but there are some (Ms. Moonie) who do not. I guess you'll have that.
    I'll keep you posted. Believe it.
