
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thank You!

As a fleet of pumpkin pies cool,  
it seems a perfect moment
to express my gratefulness
for another year of good eating,
and for your interest in such affairs. 

May you have a blessed Thanksgiving, 
whether you plan to feast with a crowd
or have simpler arrangements. 
May we recognize the gift of a meal, 
however humble, 
and take time to celebrate 
all we are thankful for. 
May your list be a lengthly one.

1 comment:

  1. My list is lengthy indeed- too long to even begin listing. I will have to share with you sometime my friend dear Ted Williams's thanksgiving prayer that he did every morning in his final years. It is a beautiful and thorough acknowledgement and thanks to all beings, from the elements to the creatures and the spirits. Bless his soul- it would be nice to pass his prayer on if I can find it.
    Among my most precious things I am thankful for are friends and family, and I am glad to call you friend! (And it looks like we both did some pumpkin pie baking today.) I hope you enjoy this long weekend with family, feasting on local cuisine and relishing in each other's beloved company.
